Nursing Home and Assisted Living Outreach Services
Nursing Home and Assisted Living Outreach Services provide mental health services to individuals in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living settings. We offer these services as a convenience for clients to help overcome barriers to receiving services in one of our Family Clinics, such as mobility challenges. Outreach services also assist facility staff in effectively helping clients to manage successfully in the least restrictive setting possible.

You must have active Medicaid. The client may also have Medicaid/Medicare. However, we can’t provide outreach services to those with only Medicare.
The client must be willing to participate in mental health services.
A valid mental health need.
Referrals for clients in Nursing Homes come from a social worker at the facility.
Referrals for clients in Assisted Living generally come from New Choice Waiver or Aging Waiver case managers.
Referrals may be sent to :
To make a referral:
Please provide a face sheet, med list, and PASRR (if applicable).
Pre-Admission Screening/Resident Review (PASRR)
PASRR stands for Pre-Admission Screening/ Resident Review and is an assessment required by law when a referral gets made to a nursing home for an individual with a mental illness. This federal law is there for three purposes:
- To ensure that people with mental illnesses in Medicaid-funded nursing homes are adequately diagnosed and treated.
- To ensure that those with mental illness or a developmental disability only (and no substantial physical problems) are not being warehoused in nursing homes.
- To ensure that the federal government is not paying for long-term care of the mentally ill or developmentally disabled in nursing homes that do not meet nursing facility criteria.