Wasatch Behavioral Health primarily serves residents of Utah and Wasatch counties with Medicaid Insurance. There are several different types of Medicaid with varying benefits:
Traditional Medicaid
(Pink Card)
- Needed mental health services are covered 100%
- No limits on number of visits although the services offered, frequency of service, and duration will be based on a needs-basis.
Non-Traditional Medicaid
(Blue Card)
- Your services are also covered 100% although you are limited to 30 visits per year.
(Yellow Card)
- Does not include mental health benefits and is not accepted at Wasatch Behavioral Health.
What if I don’t have insurance?
First, see if you qualify for Medicaid. Eligibility Rules have changed under Medicaid Expansion and you might be eligible now even if you weren’t previously.
Wasatch Behavioral Health receives funds from grants and other contracts to pay for some specific services. These funds vary from year to year but generally include crisis and stabilization services, domestic violence treatment, school-based services, youth crisis services, etc. Copays may be required. Call to find out more about the availability of services for those without insurance.

What if I am homeless?
The WATCH program provides services to those that are homeless and have a serious mental illness. Offices are located at the Food and Care Coalition in Provo.
What if I have Medicare or another type of insurance?
As of October 1, 2022, Mountain Peaks will be accepting most insurances. Mountain Peaks Counseling clinicians are paneled with a large number of private insurances. We also accept self-pay and other outside funding sources such as from ecclesiastical leaders. Please call if you have any questions.
Contact Information
Services in Utah County:
Phone: (801) 373 – 4760
750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601
Email: comments@wasatch.org
Services in Wasatch County:
Phone: (435) 654 – 3003
55 S. 500 E.
Heber, UT 84032
Email: comments@wasatch.org